May 31, 2005

Over night!

Well as you have noticed i missed an entrie on my Blog. That is because yesterday i worked and evening shift and then have to be there this morning at 5am. I worked last night untill about 11pm then then i got to stay in thr Hotel for the night. It aws alright nice King size bed and fuffy pillows, but the drawback is i had to wake up for 4:30am. Work it self is ok, but i have be trying to get off of nights and get back to morning all the time. The trouble is JC going to give me the right shifts or do i have to take this to the Union?? ? Only Time Will tell...

Now i am home thank heavens. Time to relax and rest up fro the next 2 days. No work just chillin and relaxin oh ya!

Jen is on her way over and then off for the Coffee house!

May 29, 2005

Well another day!

As i said last night Rawl cam down and were chillin with a few tea's and Rawl's fav' Chai Milk shake. Oh ya so Good eh Rawl! Hey Rawl the waitress asked for your number so i gave it to her ok....LOL!

For today i was relaxing and hangin out with Brett and Carly. Then i was off to work.

May 28, 2005

Kingdom of Heaven

The Movie was great!
As to yesterday's Blog i was on my was to see the movie Kingdom of Heaven. It turn out to be a really good movie, now granted i did not expect much from it to begin with. I was not drawn out to long and the plot flowed quite nicely. The director filmed it really well, with all of the great big battle scenes. Especially with the trebuchets, going off and all of the arrows flying back and forth. It was spectacular, now granted it was not as great as Braveheart or Gladiator but it holds it own with the movie Troy. Even Brett liked it!

As for today i just got home from work and it was really slow for Breakfast today. Caught up on alot of "mis en place" today thought.

Talked to Rawl he may be heading down this way and said that he may stop by for a few drinks. Should be fun!

Brett and Carly may join us but Brett has been sick for the last few days. Which means i will probably get sick too:( So i am not to sure if will be up for going out to day, but i will ask him

May 27, 2005


Anothere day off from work. It has been a great day so far, great sun shine and a great lunch today.

As for lunch i went to EAST! - Asian Street Flair with my friend Tom. I was downtown for a draw at the Royal York and thought "Hey maybe Tom is available for lunch!" Now granted he did have a packed lunch for home, but hey after all it was left overs from the night before. We both had the Red Thai Chilli Chicken & Shrimp with mango and mint puree on a bed of rice! It was really good food with great presentation. It was lacking in the Red thai chillie color and flavor, and a little less coconut milk would make it better.

Then it was off to see the movie "Kingdom of Heaven" with my roomate Brett.
I will let you know how it turns out!

Oh and one more thing Sue if you are reading this "Tom did not go out for lunch! Tom enjoyed his Rabbit Food!" lol!

May 26, 2005

Alexander Keith's

Well another day of hell at work. I am back on nights temp. and i am finding it rather draining on me. I work days and nights, nights and days. It killes my sleepin patterns.

Well now i am home, relaxing with a keith's. Ah a keith's! Love that India Pale Ale.
I am now going to go finish my Keith's and have a great night!


May 25, 2005

Error! Error! Error!

What happened to Blogger yesturday? I tryed to get in and the site was under repairs!

I know, i know you all were worried that you missed one of my entries. It happens, my life rocks and you need the info. on my life eh.

Well to my life then. On Tuseday i had to work the morning it was okj not to busy, but busy enough. Then it was off to the apartment. For the rest of that evening i was just chillin. I did however get an interesting phone call the other night. One of my XGirlfriends called. Ya Rawl you guessed it Adrienne! I found out that she just got married, bought a house with her husband, and she is pregnant! If you ask me she has change huge. Congrats to her and her husband.

For today just did a little runnin around and went to work at noon. I had an evening shift to day. I don't like them but what can you do.

Later all

The Raven

May 23, 2005

Victoria Day!

St.Anger - Metallica

Great tune. Anyway another day in paradise. today i went to visit my parents and had a small vist with them.

Chilli with the JJ Man, watchin National Tresure. Not a bad little movie. He is off to the States later tonight, he is a Trucker and has lots of fun traveling all over the east coast of North America.

"Hey JJ don't forget to bring back some Cookie Crip cereal from the states for me!"

Brett and Carly are home now from Darian Lake for the long weekend. They went with some friends of there's. They looked tired and drained from their weekend! But in retro-spect they did have a great time and did a lot of partying. I also asked them if they went on the "Superman" Rollercoaster. Carly went on it twice but Brett was a little scared to go on.

Now i am home just chillin and about to play Guild Wars online with Tom. See ya on the Web!


May 22, 2005

Centre Island

Last Stop this Town - The Eels

Well another day on this long weekend and i have just got back from Toronto Island. It was and ok day not much sun at all and i love the sun as you know! I went with Jen and we had a great time just walking around the Island. There is even a nice little cafe called "The Rectory Cafe" They are in the middle of changing their menu, but they make a mean cappuccino. I hope to vist there later in the summer to check out their new menu. We also checked out the little town's and the community on the island which were quite peaceful. Then it was off home.

My Brother is on his way over...Oh wait he is here! Ya JJ is in the House!

Let's Start Drinking!

May 21, 2005

Another Great Day!

Look at this Weekend so far! Just got home and being out in the sun is great. I love the out Doors with going campin, Scuba Divin, playin sports, and Drinkin on the Patio. Oh wait i did that yesterday.

Not much planned for tonight just chillin and maybe catch up with friends downtown. It should be fun.

Got to run.

Oh ya!

Oh and Rawl You Drunk Yet?

May 20, 2005

Sunny Day!

Just finally Got home work and what do ya know? Brett my Roomate is here and we are ready for the Summer Fun. It is turning out to be a great evening just the 2 of us sitin, chatin, and drinkin on the patio. Oh ya!

Later Carly (Bretts GF) will be joining us for dinner along with Bretts sister and Brother-in-Law.
Lots of time to chat and have some good Times.

Let the Good Times Roll This Summer!

May 19, 2005


Well here comes the long weekend and hey what do you know i have Sunday and Monday off. That Rocks!

Today i just picked up the New Eels album. It is awsome! E himself writes great music and this new CD is a 2 disk set. To top it all off Tom called and told me that he will be back in T.O. for nis next Tour. I have seen him live before with Tom and we are going again, and this time he is said to be traveling with a small string orchestra. His band will also be there to I imagin. The Album is called "Eels" - "Blinking lights and other Revelations"

Eels Rule!

May 18, 2005

Guild Wars!

Well For Today Work was a blast. I do admit that the best advice that i have gone recently is "To keep your comments to your self." I just find that people take things the wrong way or they treat you differently!

Other then that i have been just chillin. I have heared that with this long weekend coming everyone has plans. I don't i have to work on Sat. Not to sure about Sun, or Mon, I think i may even be off....That would be Great!

Getting to the Title, yes i bought Guild Wars for the PC.
At First I thought it was really easy and repetative, but now i have just scratched the Surface of this game. They have done a great job with the picture quality, and have eliminated many problems with past online games. Like not waiting to heal for 10 - 15min, in this game you regen heath quickly. This is also a free online game, YES i said "free!" no monthly payments and the requirements for this game are really basic. I am running it on the recommended setting and it is working fine. On the Down side when you are in town there may be a little slow down but after a few sec it should clear it up. For myself i have just begun this game and i am really starting to enjoy it. I do recomend this game for people who like RPG's and playing online.
Out of 5 Stars i give it 4 1/2. So check it out if you can!

May 17, 2005

What up Blog?

Well i am still going strong with the Blogs. I never thought that i would keep it going passed a week. As you can see i am still working on it. I would like to change a few things on my Blog and am trying to learn HTML programing code. Rawl gave me som advice on how to work on it.
Then again it is a work in progress.

Hey if anybody is interested i just picked up the PC game Called "Guild Wars" It's not a bad online RPG, but i will let you know more later!

May 16, 2005

Work Work Work!

Well another day back at work. Not to busy today, but it is Monday we still have the rest of the week to go. Mondays at work are the days we just catch up on our prep work from last week. Making everything fresh for this coming week. So even thought it was not busy for BF and Lunch, i was still busy.

Now i am home and chillin. I am on my way our to meet a friend for dinner and a movie. But untill then i think i will be reading. I am reading my Dive Book. I am taking the Advanced Divin' Course in July and need to get ready for it. Rawlio is my dive Buddy ahhhhh. I just hope he does not get me lost again. he he he. So Rawlio have you started your reading yet???

The Raven

May 15, 2005

The Weekend!

Busy Busy Weekend.
I have been away all weekend, so on Saturday I helped my mother with her Garage Sale at the McDonalds Parking lot in the P-Town. It was a good sale and my mother sold alot of her Junk.

Then Off to Ross and Jessica's Wedding. It was a Beautful small wedding of about 50 - 60 people, and was a load of fun. With a great 3 course dinner, a good DJ, and Dancin'. The Bridle party looked Great and the Groom's men were all in Scottish Kilts. They looked Great. I took Carly and Brett home after the Wedding. They were both really Drunk, and a bowl full of laughs all the way home.

Then it was off Lock 19 with Rawl on Sunday Morning at 7:30AM for our next dive. I had only about 5 hours sleep on Saturday night. On the bright side the dive did wake me up and the water as really warm. It was about 55 deg. It was a drift dive with the current at about 2 knots. During the dive Rawl and i were dive Buddies, and cause we had no compass we got lost. Well not really, what happened was we kept going around in circles. Finally we got back on the right course but, it ment that we lost 20 min of air time by doing this. We did finish the dive just by drifting but druing this time i lost my weight belt. Ian the Dive master was able to retrive it for me , but i was not able to put it back on and had to get Ian to carry it. Ian eventually got tired and we just went for shore and hiked it in.

Rawl and i headed home after that and then i got my parents to take me the rest of the way home to T.O.

I now must Rest!
The Raven.

Oh and Rawl is out "Slaying the Dragon" to night. Oooh Ya!

May 13, 2005

The Weekend is here!

Well another week has come and gone and not is time for the party to begin!

Getting ready to head out to the P-Town or The Ring (A.K.A. Pickering) to stay with the family. I just have to remember to take everything home. For this weekend i am going to Ross and Jessica's Wedding, which should be a blast. Lot's of fun with the guys and dancin the night away.

And yet i wonder....will there be any short brown dude's there?

Then on Sunday it is off to Lock 19 for the Dive with Mr. Chan. I am looking forward to this dive, but for this i have had to shave the Goatie off. NOoooooooo. I can't get a tight seal with my scuba mask. Oh Well it will grow back!

The UnderWorld.

Oh and Yes Thanks Rawl, I know I can't spell.
So thank a Teacher!
Thank You Mr.Chan

May 12, 2005

Lovin Days Off...

I had a day off of work today! I just love days off.

So as for today i did nothin...Not really.

I had lunch with my parents and helped my mother get ready for her garage sale on Saturday. Boy she has a lot of Junk.

I did how ever work out today and my legs are killing me. I had chicken for dinner, you know how protion to help the mussles heal.

Talked to Rawl about Divin. He picked up my tanks for this weekend dive at Lock 19. I am looking forward to it. R U Rawl?

I Just love days off!

May 11, 2005

The Heat is Comin'...

Well another day has come an gone. I had a terrible sleep last night, and then when i did finally get to sleep i woke up a 11am. Holy S*&T! I could not believe it. It was hot last night and from what i understand it will be hot today.

I had lunch with a Friend and had a little chat. Then took right off to work for 1pm.

Work was ok tonight, not to busy. Just got home and going to chilli for the rest of the night. So Bring on the Heat!

Oh and one more thing, Rawl you said to check out the Jazz station. I have and it is ok. Check it out at 91.1fm The Nice Jazz

May 10, 2005

Cookin Time!

Well another day has come and gone. Was up at 3:30am today for work and it was busy for Breakfast and Lunch. We did about 50 - 60 covers for BF and about 40 - 50 for lunch between 12:30pm - 1:30pm. I worked the fish station today which means io had to come up with a catch of the day.
With that being said the Catch was a "Lightly Breaded Chile crusted Mahi Mahi, Roasted ButterNut Squash Puree, and grilled Egg plant, Asparagus, with a Herb infused Cream Foam.

So how did that sound to you? I just love to cook!

After work i attended a Union Meeting. As of July 16 2005 our contract at work will expire. Not just that0 but some of the hotel Employee's want to switch Unions. We could lose our current contract if we do that. For myself i was "on the fence" being on ether side. After gathering all of the info from both side's i have decide to support the Current Union and get the Hotel Employee's ready for the up coming New Contract. The meeting went on past 5:00pm and i had been there at 2:30pm. I was getting really tired by that time and then decided to head home.

I got home and had a quick nap, PowerNap that is.

For supper i had made myself a Tri-Color Fussilli Pasta, seared Striploin steak, with shaved red onion, and mushrooms. In a 3 PepperCorn Cream Sauce. MMmmm Good! Don't i just love to cook!
Hey Tommy dose this past the Italian Code?

I had a brief conversation with the girl i am seein' at the momment. I was stressful and am meeting her for lunch tommorow to try and talk thing out. But at this point in time i just don't know....


May 09, 2005

The Long and Winding Road...

Well another long day it has been for myself i started by working last night untill about 11:30pm. Then had to be back at work for 5am this morning. With that being said I was able to stay at the Hotel where i work for free due to the fact that i had the back to back shift. Ya long shift! I did however get a chance to grab a power nap and then make a quick dinner for myself!

I was also trying to get Private Cinnamon Online (A.K.A Tom or Tommy!) tonight but he said that he was busy checkin out the new online game called "Guild Wars". He has told me with all of the reviews out there it was worth checkin out so he of course picked up a copy and is now addicted to it i think....So Tom Are you Addicted to it yet? With his relm of infulence on me i may actually pick up a copy somtime this week.

Maybe Ravcn...I mean Raven Will rise again in another RPG Game!

For the rest of the evening i just finished watching a movie called "The Core", with the Roomate J.A. # 2(A.K.A. Brett D) It was on of those unbelivable end of the world type movies with Hilary Swank, Aaron Eckhart, and Delroy Lindo. Now through out the entire movie there were some plot points where things in the movie would never happen, and how would that work even. The acting was ok, no oscar winners here, but had some good plot twists to keep you going. For myself halfway through you could almost predict who would survive and who would die, but for as to who you have to see the movie. So if you are looking for a good "End of the World" type movie it is worth seeing.
For myself i give the movie 2 out 5 stars due to it being just unbelivable, but was good for a few laughs. You decide for yourself.

Untill next time...

May 08, 2005

Mother's Day

So another year has gone by and yet again we celebrate our Mothers. Just think about all of the things that thay have done for us. I hope to get together with her with in the next few days. For myself i have had to work on this day cause of the job i am in. It is one of the busy times of the year for a resturant. That's right I am a chef at one of the more classy resturants in T.O.

Other then that today has been a smooth morning drying out the SCUBA Gear on the balcony and replying to emails. Even one's past due...

Untill next time in the Underworld Of Raven

I have called my Mother today, Have YOU?

May 07, 2005

Deep Down Below

Well this was the the First time in a long, time that i have been diving...Yes i Dive. SCUBA Diving that is. Oh Ya!

I went with Rawl from "Rawlios World" and the trip was interesting. I got to meet 6 of the dive members, from with in the club. As for the Dives my "reg" Was acting up and i did not get much of a first dive. Then the sec one i had problems with my mask i just had fun in the sun! I Love It HOT!

Well there is always next weekend at LOCK 19 the Next Dive
Just Relaxin and Chillin
Untill next time in the UnderWorld!