May 12, 2005

Lovin Days Off...

I had a day off of work today! I just love days off.

So as for today i did nothin...Not really.

I had lunch with my parents and helped my mother get ready for her garage sale on Saturday. Boy she has a lot of Junk.

I did how ever work out today and my legs are killing me. I had chicken for dinner, you know how protion to help the mussles heal.

Talked to Rawl about Divin. He picked up my tanks for this weekend dive at Lock 19. I am looking forward to it. R U Rawl?

I Just love days off!


Blogger rawlio said...

What's Protion? What's a Mussle? :)

Yeah, I'm pretty psyched for Lock 19. If you can get some extra weight, do it..
Apparently it's shallow, and low current.


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