August 22, 2005

I am still Alive!

Yes Rawl I know it been a Long Time scince my last Blog and no i do not have any other reason why i have not done it except that i have been living in Ajax for the past 3 weeks.

Some of you may or may not know this by now and that is i have decided to move in with my Girl friend Jen. She lives in Ajax, east of here in a Town house and it is a decent size for the two of us. I have been really busy with moving a few things there and keeping in touch with friends and family.

Two week ago i was in Kingston for my Advanced Diving Weekend and that was a Blast. We ended up doing 6 dives with in the 2 days that we where there. My dive buddy was Mark and we blasted right throught the course doing very well. The only problem was that on our Navigation Dive we had a few problems this the rough waters and had to stop the dive and continue on the next day. Over all, all four divers with in the course had passed and all had fun doing it. Jen even came along for the dive weekend and helped with the cooking and cleaning at the camp site. She really is the greatest!

I have even been hooking up with my Brother most weekends. He has been doing great on the open road. I even picked him up from the truck yard on the day of that major storm in T.O. Last friday evening.

I have spent the remained of the time with family and friends. I also hope to start working on my Blogs again soon, but untill i get setled i may be 3 more weeks un till my next Blog so hang in there readers!

August 05, 2005

It's Been a Long Week!

Well after the Long Weekend i have been runnin around this past week.

Work has been reletivly slow but then again it was the long weekend, and the fact that i have been off for the last 3 days makes it much easyer to relax. I am however back to work on Saturday Morning. I am so looking forward to it!

On Tuesday i got to have Lunch With Tom, Dave and Rich. We went to Hoooters to get there Spicy Chicken sandwich and the veiw was not to bad either. Wink, Wink...Nudge, Nudge Know what i mean.
That night i got the chance to have dinner with Jen's parents and we had a great pasta dish. The meatballs were grrrrreat and the sauce was homemade. Oh ya. (
Tom & Sue : You guys still make a mean pasta!) Then we jusat chillied and had cake that Jen made, which was a vanillia cake with a pudding icing.

On Wednight i finally got a hold of Mr. Chan. He too has been really busy with his summer vacation. With that being said Jen and I got together with him, oh and don't forget Tina came with us too. (
A friend of Jen's) The 4 of use went to the Bear and Firkin in the P-Town to sit on the patio. Rawl and I got totaly wasted, we even started to talk with another table next to us and started to do shots together. My Sweetheart Jen was kind to be the DD and take us all home. I even ended up naked on the floor of Jen's Spare Room. That must have been a site eh!

On Thursday i went for Lunch with Jen's parents too Texas Burger in Ajax. We had a long chat with them takling about life and learning more about Jen and her family. It was great fun. I did not have a hang over to much due to that fact that a wise friend told me to match my drinking intake with water. (
IE : Tom) That texas Burger Joint is really good. I had never been there before and it turned out to be a good little lunch!

Later on that evening Jen and i had dinner with my father. He had made lasagna for dinner and turned out to be a little dry, but was great just the same. Then we were off to home to chilli and relax before bed.....

July 30, 2005

Caribana Weekend!

Well Caribana has started up once again. I took off to work this morning and once we got to Yonge & Bloor, the bus turn to go down Bay. It was due to the fact that younge street it bocked with lot's of party animails. I remember last year when i went to work it took me 1 hour to go 2 blocks down younge street.

Work was really busy today. With the hotel sold out with travelers and then havin caribana in town it make me busy busy busy!

I traveled out to see My mother and Father today and had dinner with the family. I tryed to hook up with Mr. Chan for coffee, i mean tea. While i was in town but i have found out he is in Ottawa with his girly.

Jen is away this long weekend and i hope to see her on sunday, but it look's busy tommorow. Then again maybe on Monday.

Brett and Carly are in Town, but they are even parting down town tonight. They must be havin lots o fun!

July 28, 2005

Civic Day!

Well another long weekend is about to begin. It looks like it is going to be a great lookin weekend for some fun in the sun and for others just another weekend of workin!

That's right i am workin throught the whole weekend. Sucks to be me. :( On the Brighter side of life i am hoping to head up to see my Girl Jen at Balsam Lake this Sunday night for dinner. I hope to get there fast so that i can have a little fun in the sun myself.

The last 2 day i have been off and just hackin with my computer trying to set up some new software. Jen is coming over tonight to have dinner and watch a movie. As to waht movie i have yet to decide, but it will be a good one.
I also got a chance to catch up on some long over due laundry and cleaned my fish tank out. I hope to get some fish in with in the next 2 weeks i hope.

Lot of my friends are away this weekend and i am still trying to get a hole of Mr. Mister Chan. We keep playin phone Tag. "Hey Rawl Tag, your it!" He is with his girl again. I think he loves her but don't tell her that. Tee hee, Tee he!

Well i have to run. Got to put dinner in the oven!
The usual bread and water!

July 26, 2005


Been a long time coming for this blog!
There is no reason for this long and unexpectied break ether. The again this is a run down for what has been happening for the last few days...

I have been really busy with work lately. We have be been getting a lot of tours in and they are crazy people from all over the place. With tours going in and out of the hotel and the No. of people staying at the Royal York Right now is a lot better than this time last year. Summerlicious is now over but during that 2 wek period it was crazy busy. With a 3 course lunch for only $20 and 3 cours dinner for $30 its a great deal.

I also have started to work part time with an old co-worker from the Royal York Hotel. He is a Sous Chef and needs help from time to time when he is raelly busy. It's a great little on the side job am lovin it.

Jen and i are doing well we have been busy running around and trying to get suff done. We havn't even had the time to just chill together and watch a movie. We have both been really busy. I will be chillin with her on Wednesday night, maybe we could watch a movie or somthing... Or just relax would be Great 2! Last week we did go up to see her mother and father in Linsay. It was her mothers birthday and it was a blast. We had dinner and the took a look at her new car which she got for her Birthday. She got a 2005 BMW Z4 Roadster! Is that not a sweet ride or what, then she acctually let me take it out for a rid back to there place in Balsam lake. It is a very very fast ride!

I have also been chilli and hanging with my Bro on the weekends too. He has been doing great and lovin the open road.

Other than that i have been cool.
Very sleepy today.
The Raven Must now sleep!

July 17, 2005

Let it Rain!

Well i got a good 6 hours of sleep last night and then woke up to a cool moring. Well i was 4am for my morning and when i got off of the Bus at Yonge and Front, it was Poring Rain! I know the hotel at which i work is only a block away, but i got soked just the same. By the time i got to go home today my cloths were still wet, well damp anyway. The were cold and now i am at home and in some nice dry cloths.

I am still fighting this cold and am feeling much better and hope that it will clear up soon.

I talked to Trucker JJ and he was saying that today he will be heading to Pennsylvania with a load. I told him that when he is back in town we could go to Hooters and get some food. Last week i was out to lunch with Tom and I had this Chicken sandwich which was amazing! It was like a chicken wing but on a bun with no bone. So i want to go back soon. They were good eh Tom?

We jen is on her way to take me for dinner at her place. Her Mother has made some homemade Lasagna. I believe we are havin that tonight. Then a movie i think....

July 16, 2005

Wedding's Birthday's and Girls!

This past wee i have been really busy. Now i know you all want to here about my life but hey what can i say i am a busy man. As to what i have been up to the past week is as follows...

Well last week it was my Birthday as well as it being my fathers 65th Birthday. Boy is he getting old eh. So my brother and i went out and bought him the entire full running season of the old hit tv series The Saint with Roger Moore. He loved it and said he was savin up for it for the VHS tapes, but we got it in colour and on DVD for him. We even went to Montanas cookhouse for dinner and he had to ware a funny hat while all were sing for him.

Then 2 days later it was also my parents 33rd anivesary and so I visited my folks for that and all had dinner for that 2.

I also spent some time seeing Jen and then on Friday July 15th i was off to Scott & Melissa's Wedding. It was a blast drinkin, dancin, and eating. We got to catch up with all of the gang and then celebrate with the married cuple. Jen and i left around 12 midnight and i only got 3 hours of sleep before i had to get up for work the next day. I was hurting Today :(

I got home and slept for and hour or so and not to mention that i am also fightin a cold or alergies or somthin. I feel punky.

Jen is in Balsam Lake today and then will be back on Sunday with her parents. I believe she will be payin me a visit and i am looking forward to that. May be dinner and a movie i don't know as if yet.