July 16, 2005

Wedding's Birthday's and Girls!

This past wee i have been really busy. Now i know you all want to here about my life but hey what can i say i am a busy man. As to what i have been up to the past week is as follows...

Well last week it was my Birthday as well as it being my fathers 65th Birthday. Boy is he getting old eh. So my brother and i went out and bought him the entire full running season of the old hit tv series The Saint with Roger Moore. He loved it and said he was savin up for it for the VHS tapes, but we got it in colour and on DVD for him. We even went to Montanas cookhouse for dinner and he had to ware a funny hat while all were sing for him.

Then 2 days later it was also my parents 33rd anivesary and so I visited my folks for that and all had dinner for that 2.

I also spent some time seeing Jen and then on Friday July 15th i was off to Scott & Melissa's Wedding. It was a blast drinkin, dancin, and eating. We got to catch up with all of the gang and then celebrate with the married cuple. Jen and i left around 12 midnight and i only got 3 hours of sleep before i had to get up for work the next day. I was hurting Today :(

I got home and slept for and hour or so and not to mention that i am also fightin a cold or alergies or somthin. I feel punky.

Jen is in Balsam Lake today and then will be back on Sunday with her parents. I believe she will be payin me a visit and i am looking forward to that. May be dinner and a movie i don't know as if yet.


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