August 05, 2005

It's Been a Long Week!

Well after the Long Weekend i have been runnin around this past week.

Work has been reletivly slow but then again it was the long weekend, and the fact that i have been off for the last 3 days makes it much easyer to relax. I am however back to work on Saturday Morning. I am so looking forward to it!

On Tuesday i got to have Lunch With Tom, Dave and Rich. We went to Hoooters to get there Spicy Chicken sandwich and the veiw was not to bad either. Wink, Wink...Nudge, Nudge Know what i mean.
That night i got the chance to have dinner with Jen's parents and we had a great pasta dish. The meatballs were grrrrreat and the sauce was homemade. Oh ya. (
Tom & Sue : You guys still make a mean pasta!) Then we jusat chillied and had cake that Jen made, which was a vanillia cake with a pudding icing.

On Wednight i finally got a hold of Mr. Chan. He too has been really busy with his summer vacation. With that being said Jen and I got together with him, oh and don't forget Tina came with us too. (
A friend of Jen's) The 4 of use went to the Bear and Firkin in the P-Town to sit on the patio. Rawl and I got totaly wasted, we even started to talk with another table next to us and started to do shots together. My Sweetheart Jen was kind to be the DD and take us all home. I even ended up naked on the floor of Jen's Spare Room. That must have been a site eh!

On Thursday i went for Lunch with Jen's parents too Texas Burger in Ajax. We had a long chat with them takling about life and learning more about Jen and her family. It was great fun. I did not have a hang over to much due to that fact that a wise friend told me to match my drinking intake with water. (
IE : Tom) That texas Burger Joint is really good. I had never been there before and it turned out to be a good little lunch!

Later on that evening Jen and i had dinner with my father. He had made lasagna for dinner and turned out to be a little dry, but was great just the same. Then we were off to home to chilli and relax before bed.....


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