May 27, 2005


Anothere day off from work. It has been a great day so far, great sun shine and a great lunch today.

As for lunch i went to EAST! - Asian Street Flair with my friend Tom. I was downtown for a draw at the Royal York and thought "Hey maybe Tom is available for lunch!" Now granted he did have a packed lunch for home, but hey after all it was left overs from the night before. We both had the Red Thai Chilli Chicken & Shrimp with mango and mint puree on a bed of rice! It was really good food with great presentation. It was lacking in the Red thai chillie color and flavor, and a little less coconut milk would make it better.

Then it was off to see the movie "Kingdom of Heaven" with my roomate Brett.
I will let you know how it turns out!

Oh and one more thing Sue if you are reading this "Tom did not go out for lunch! Tom enjoyed his Rabbit Food!" lol!


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