May 23, 2005

Victoria Day!

St.Anger - Metallica

Great tune. Anyway another day in paradise. today i went to visit my parents and had a small vist with them.

Chilli with the JJ Man, watchin National Tresure. Not a bad little movie. He is off to the States later tonight, he is a Trucker and has lots of fun traveling all over the east coast of North America.

"Hey JJ don't forget to bring back some Cookie Crip cereal from the states for me!"

Brett and Carly are home now from Darian Lake for the long weekend. They went with some friends of there's. They looked tired and drained from their weekend! But in retro-spect they did have a great time and did a lot of partying. I also asked them if they went on the "Superman" Rollercoaster. Carly went on it twice but Brett was a little scared to go on.

Now i am home just chillin and about to play Guild Wars online with Tom. See ya on the Web!



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