May 09, 2005

The Long and Winding Road...

Well another long day it has been for myself i started by working last night untill about 11:30pm. Then had to be back at work for 5am this morning. With that being said I was able to stay at the Hotel where i work for free due to the fact that i had the back to back shift. Ya long shift! I did however get a chance to grab a power nap and then make a quick dinner for myself!

I was also trying to get Private Cinnamon Online (A.K.A Tom or Tommy!) tonight but he said that he was busy checkin out the new online game called "Guild Wars". He has told me with all of the reviews out there it was worth checkin out so he of course picked up a copy and is now addicted to it i think....So Tom Are you Addicted to it yet? With his relm of infulence on me i may actually pick up a copy somtime this week.

Maybe Ravcn...I mean Raven Will rise again in another RPG Game!

For the rest of the evening i just finished watching a movie called "The Core", with the Roomate J.A. # 2(A.K.A. Brett D) It was on of those unbelivable end of the world type movies with Hilary Swank, Aaron Eckhart, and Delroy Lindo. Now through out the entire movie there were some plot points where things in the movie would never happen, and how would that work even. The acting was ok, no oscar winners here, but had some good plot twists to keep you going. For myself halfway through you could almost predict who would survive and who would die, but for as to who you have to see the movie. So if you are looking for a good "End of the World" type movie it is worth seeing.
For myself i give the movie 2 out 5 stars due to it being just unbelivable, but was good for a few laughs. You decide for yourself.

Untill next time...


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