May 28, 2005

Kingdom of Heaven

The Movie was great!
As to yesterday's Blog i was on my was to see the movie Kingdom of Heaven. It turn out to be a really good movie, now granted i did not expect much from it to begin with. I was not drawn out to long and the plot flowed quite nicely. The director filmed it really well, with all of the great big battle scenes. Especially with the trebuchets, going off and all of the arrows flying back and forth. It was spectacular, now granted it was not as great as Braveheart or Gladiator but it holds it own with the movie Troy. Even Brett liked it!

As for today i just got home from work and it was really slow for Breakfast today. Caught up on alot of "mis en place" today thought.

Talked to Rawl he may be heading down this way and said that he may stop by for a few drinks. Should be fun!

Brett and Carly may join us but Brett has been sick for the last few days. Which means i will probably get sick too:( So i am not to sure if will be up for going out to day, but i will ask him


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