June 30, 2005


I know i know i have been really bad with my Blog lately.

It's sunny!
It's the Long Weekend!
I am off for the rest of the weekend!

I am off to prescott this weekend with Rawl to go divin. Looks lik a fantastic week end already.

I will write more next week when i can acctually site down and type out the details. So for now this will have to do. Got to run

I will tell you (Tom) and all that i did go on a date!
Sorry just dinner with a friend;)

It was Great! More still to come....

June 27, 2005

Sunny Days!

Well it looks like another sunny day in T.O.

Other then that i will be doing a little reading before work and then off to work. As for my reading i will try and finish my Divin Book. I am taking the advance dive course at Prescott this weekend and need to be ready for that.

So Rawl have you finsihed the dive book yet?

June 26, 2005

It's Been Far to Long for the Blogger!

It's been a really long time scince my last Blog. A lot has happened over the last few days, but where do i begin....

I worked all day on Friday Morning and then was home for about 3pm. I did go for a little walk and stopped for a coffee at Scecond Cup up the street from us. Later that night i chilled with Brett and played a little "Champions: Return To Arms" for the PS2.

On Saturday i hooked up with my Best Friend Tom to see the Eels LIVE! OH YA! Tom picked me up then we went for a little Thai Food. It was Great Thai Food eh Tom? It had the right amount of thai chilli's, even i went "Whoo! That's Spicy!" After our full bellies we headed to the concert. we got there for 7:45 but found out that the Eels did not have an opening band and were on stage already. It turns out that the club wanted the concert over so that they could open the club up for later that night. So i guess Tom and i missed a few songs (but not to many i hope). I was still a great concert.

This morning i got up and did a little reading and chillin before i went to work. Work for this evening was ok not to busy but not to dead ether. It was a good night overall!

Oh and i did have a long chat with Jen on Thursday and Friday night!

Hey Rawl she does remember you. She asked if you still had the long hair.

June 23, 2005

Tea tea tea!

Another day off my Blog. I got really busy yesterday an by the time i got time to do it i was in bed.

For yesterday i was off and it was GRRREAT! I slept in, had a great litte workout. I also shot out for a little bite to eat for lunch at a little coffee shop. After words i got home Tom came over to vit and it was Amazing to have him come and vist. We chatted, had a few beers and some Greek Food. MMmmmm Greek Food! Then a little game playing on the PS2. Later on Rawl came for a vist to see myself and Tom for Tea and that became an even more amazing time. We even got Tom to try one of the Chai Milk shakes that are reallt Freakin good. Then later after a few teas and more chattin Tom thought it was still early, but when he looked at the Time he was like Holy Crap It's 10pm already! When you are have in fun time Flies right by. Still seeing Tom and Rawl was Amazing! ;)

Then it was off to Brampton to drop Tom home and then get home myself to get some sleep, due to the fact that i had to work today at 5am. I ended up getting stuck in traffic on the way home due to construction. I did how ever see a car fire in the opposite site of the Highway. It wasw cool but the smell was horrific.

I thought of doing my blog when i got home but i just hit the sack for 3 hours and then headed to work. Once there we had 265 guest come in for Breakfast it was Crazy.

Just going to relax tonight and then hit the sack early to be ready for tommorow.

Good Times Had By All!
Right Tom?

PS Hey Rawl thanks again for the Fish tank. It's Amazing, but not as amazing as you or Tom;)

June 21, 2005

Great Day!

I had a really great day today at work. I got a lot of work done for tomorrow and it was busy today so it made the day go by faster. I am lookin forward to my day off tomorrow and it should be a good time. Brett is out of Town for work and will not be back untill Thursday - Friday.

Played a little Guild Wars with Tom & Gen tonight was fun.

Thats about it. L8r

June 20, 2005

Runnin at Work Again!

Well back to work and it was a busy day for us. Not busy as in there being a lot of guests but in the fact that someone called in sick again. It turned out that i had to work 2 stations. Lots of Runnin and boy are my feet tired. I end up working BF "al la cart" then for Lunch worked Garde-manger. It was tought but i did it. I don't know but this has not been the first time, is this the month that everyone calls in sick or what? Or maybe it the fact that the chef is on Vaction this month, i don't know?

June 19, 2005

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Well i finally saw the Movie Mr. & Mrs. Smith!
Angelina Jolie is Hot!
Drop dead amazing!

The movie was an action with a little comedy. It was not a major motion picture, but it was a fun little movie. But hey what more can you ask for, i mean it's Angelina :)

My brothere poped over to see the moivie with me and then went to seee the Movie, and had a pit to catch up. He's heading to the states tommorow and will not be back untill next weekend.

Got to run!

June 17, 2005

A Day Off!

Just another day off today relaxin and chillin'
I did a little rollerbladin today, NO Tom i did not break my arm today. It was a little gloomy today but the sun did come out today for a little.

Then just chilled and watch Be Cool the movie. Great Flick!

Let the weekend begin!

June 16, 2005

Batman Is Back

Another day off and i am lovin it. It's Summer, and the last few days it's been just raining and messy out. I am off the next 2 days and i just hope that they get better.

Today i visted my parents for lunch and then hooked up with JD after. We then kicked it to see the Movie Batman Returns. I was a really good movie with great background to the whole story of Batman himself. Christan Bale was Great as Batman and the villians were good also. I do feel that Scarcrow could have had a bigger part but all in all a great movie. I have even heared that they may be doing a sequel to this movie. Let's hope they do...
Star Rating 4 out of 5 five stars!

Then i headed back down to T.O. Just chillin with the Roomate Brett be for he heads to hockey. I believe he is the top scoring player on his team.

I was talkin with JD and he is in buisness with a friend of his doing T- Shirt Designs. He was warin one today. It looks really cool. Check out his site and get on board to order one of these amazin shirts order now at the following link. Or when the site is up lol!
  • Key Clothing

  • June 15, 2005

    Coffee Time!

    Well as you may have seen from Rawlio's Blog I am now a Single Man once again. The question is for how long...

    I had a great work out today and had a really relaxing day. I did some shoppin and vist a old co-work at a different resturant. I did a little reading at a nice little bakery in North York.
    Over all i had a great day!

    This evening Rawl and Chris came down for Coffee, Coffee, Coffee, Love That Coffee! They poked fun at me being now single again, but hey what are good buddies for.

    Thank's you too Crazy Guys!

    June 14, 2005

    I have over come the Dark Side!

    I worked today. One of my co-workers called in sick today and witch means that i had to work 2 stations at once. Not to bad of a day thought and i felt like was part of a good team this morning.
    I did not sleep to wel the night before and so when i got home i passed out on the couch for about an hour or so.

    Had a quick bite to eat and played a little on line gaming with Tom.

    I finally had a long talk with my now x-GF. It did not go the way i planned it but hey i did the best i could. So Rawlio i have over come the Darkside!

    June 13, 2005

    An easy Night!

    Well i am home from another overnight. It was alright a good smooth service last night then another run at it the morning. Work has been really busy for BF and Lunch , but for dinner it goes up and down.

    I visted my folks quick ly to pick up a few things and did a little shoppin then back to the appartment to rest.

    June 12, 2005

    The Time To Party!

    Well My Saturday off turned out to be a really busy weekend.
    First off i had to work untill 11pm on friday and then had to go all the way out to pickering that night due to the fact that i had divin the next moring as you know with Mr. Chan. I was tired when i got up for it, but was very excited to go divin again.

    Well we got to the dive site at about 8:45am and was in the water about 10:30am. The water was warm at the top and there we even some divers who decided to go with out a dive hood. The best part was that i went with my dive buddy into the water first and once you got to about 35 - 40 feet you hit a thermocline. That is where you dive and the temp of the water drop drimatically! The water went from about 81degrees on the surface to a bottom temp of about 65degrees. Some divers even cam back to get there hoods on. Over all i had a great dive!

    Then it was off home to the "Ring!" When i got back i cleaned my self off and got ready for Scott and Melssia's Stag and D'oh. It was a fun party with great family and freinds. There were lots of prizesto be won and Tim did win a gym bag. Although i did not win anything i still had a blast guessin how many jelly beans were in the jar. We also had buy a card and if you got the joker you won a prize. There was even door prizes and raffles during the evening. The best part was when there were 2 bins. One for Scott and one for Melissa and you donated money to the one that you wanted to see get a pie in the face by the other. In the end Scott got the pie in the face from Melissa. The food was great too we had all kinds of small sandwiches and finger foods with lot's of little deserts to snak on all night long. It was a good party. Well all had a great time!

    Good Times! Had by all!

    June 10, 2005


    The end of another week is at an end and let the weekend begin. Just had an easy morning relaxin and havin' a bite to eat before i go into work. Ya i have another evening shift and i am not lookin forward to it. Hopfully in the future i will get a chance to work out my work problems, but for now i am puttin up with it. I am lookin at it postive now, for my last job i had was Hell! I am much better off now and then again there are problems with every job right?

    I also got this Saturday off for divin at
    Burleigh Falls. I t should be a blast hangin with my good friend Mr. Rawl Chan and havin fun at the bottom of the lake with the fishies. Then it is off to Scott & Melissa's Stag and D'oh for some good time's with family and friends. Good Old Ryan Edwards is setting it all up and should turn out to be a great time.

    I looked and beheld a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death. Revelations 6:8

    June 09, 2005


    I was off today and boy was it hot out side...I LOVED IT! It Reminded me of when i went to Turks and Cacos with my buddy Tom. Sand, Surf, and Hot Ladies oh ya!
    I just love the heat. I have even been Rollerblading so far and Yes Tom i bought wrist guards!

    Today i was out for lunch with Lorraine and her new BF Mike. We went to the Bear and Ferkin in the "Ring" and you guessed it On the patio too! I got a chance to catch up with her and have a Pint. It was great fun.

    I went out to Ajax to pick up the Dive Tanks for Rawl and myself. My father came with me to give me a hand, but it turns out that it was to heavy for him. I am so looking forwar to this weekend. Its going to rock!

    June 08, 2005

    Well The Roomates Home...

    Work was great today except i found out that i have to work 2 night shift again this weekend and the Sunday night shit is an overnight Yet Again! This is getting painfull! Getting only 3 to 4 hours of sleep can't be good and it is killin me! I hope that havin a talk with the Executive Chef will improve my life in some way or another.

    Well i got home today and today was the first day that i have seen my roomate from the weekend. He has been in Chicago on buisness for a few days and i have been working overnights as you know aswell. He can be a real JAss sometimes. He just started in on pickin on me about the little things like how he turned the dishwasher on and how i had not emptyed it yet! He turns the thing on with only it being half full. Whats up with that? Now i know all roomates get at each other but give me a break. How hard is it to turn on the dish washer? He never empties the dishwasher anyway or rarely.
    Tom you know its true!
    On top of it all he is tired and sick!
    His GirlFriend is over and keeping him in line now, but then again roomate will be roomates!

    Rawl and i are going Divin again and i am pumped up about it. Looking forward to 2 incredable dives this weekend. Let's go Divin!

    June 07, 2005

    Lost and Now Found

    During my busy day yesterday i was on my way home when i dropped my Subway pass and Drivers licence. Well i looked for it everywhere and could ot find it anywhere. Then to day went to work and it was ok. Busy Lunch of about 75 people and then on my way home i decided to check the hotel security for my pass. I got up there and then ask them and what do you know some one turned both in. So i got it back oh Ya! I guess there are some nice people out there.

    June 06, 2005

    I am Sleepy...ZZzzzzzzzzzz.

    Just got home from the overnight and i am very very tired!

    Chillin and watchin a movie to night.


    June 05, 2005

    Another Overnight Yet Again!

    It looks like its going to be a really hot and humid day. I hope not for as of this evening i have to work at the hotel and it can get really hot some times in the small kitchen.

    Just before i go to work i thought i would get some work done around the house. So far so go working on the bedroom and about to have a little breakfast of eggs and toast. Mmmm Good.

    Tonight at work as i stated before i have go to work an evening shift and then after work will be staying at the hotel so that i can be there for 5am To start all over again. Another Overnight! I don't like them, but hey what can i do about it...

    To Be Forgotten Is Worst Than Death.
    -Old Japanese Proverb

    June 04, 2005

    WoofStock 2005

    Another day of work, a morning shift at the hotel. It was really dead for buisness and a good thing too. For last night i was up a little to late and only got about 3 hours of sleep.
    The Reason: Guild Wars.
    Who Did It: Tom And Gen
    I was up untill about 11:30pm before i turned the game off. I slept well but had a hell of a time getting up at 3:30am. I was very very tired.....

    Aftere work i met my parent at Woofstock. What is that you say it is a big Dog party where everyone brings there dogs and checks out the new items and foods for dogs. There were dogs everywhere, of all different shapes and sizes too. From Great Danes to Tea Cup Chiwawa's, it was like dog city. Some people even dress there pouches or give them a little color in the hair. Even i took a moment to refect on Percy, my Bulldog that i had a few years back. I saw lots of his cousins and family there too. There was even dog contests and a dog talent show. My mother was in Doggie heaven, she had to pet every one that she pasted by. My dad i think was just enjoying the out doors.
    The Woofstock Runs on Sunday too from 10am - 6pm i believe and if you love dog's like myself you would love this show. It is also being held at the Distillery in Downtown Toronto.
    Seeing these crazy pups give me the thought of getting a new one for myself...but in the end i know that it is not the right time for me to get a new dog! Oneday i will get one or maybe even two, but not right now.

    I Love dogs!

    Oh and Rawl i have not faced the Dark Side yet!

    June 03, 2005

    The Ring...

    Well i headed out to the Ring today by bus. The Trip was great. I got out there for about 12noon and was off to the Pickering Town Centre. I did a little window shoppin but did not find anything thing to buy, except for elbow pads, knee pads, and Wrist Guards for my Rollerblades. As some of you know last year i broke my arm and i am not doin that again this year.

    Then to Zellers to meet JD. Jd Just had finish work there and we went for a coffee at Tim's. We then head back to his place for Pizza and freshly squeezed mango Juice. It was scrumdilyumshus!
    (Is that even a word)

    Then it was back to T.O. for a nice relaxing evening with homemade pasta and sauce.

    June 02, 2005

    Coffee...Love every Drop!

    Well another day off and it looks like a wonderful day so far.
    Although this morning i made myself a cup of coffee and the glass that it was in Broke! Coffee was every where, but then again i do love my coffee. For myself coffee comes in many different ways and flavors. My all time fav is of course Tim Hortons DD. But i also Love my Italian coffee's like Expresso, use ually when i hook up with Tom & Sue, Sue ends up making the best Expresso!
    I also recomend the "Americano" coffee witch consists of expresso and hot water. That is a stronge coffee and is not as bitter for some.
    Well i have to run for that lovly cup of Tim's now oh ya!

    June 01, 2005


    Oh ya its the Summer, put your hands up! Well onther beautiful day in T.O. and i was off for it.
    The Summer time is here and i am so excited. You know the beach, sitting on the patio's havin a Beer, and the Girls wear less every summer!

    It started when my parents came to vist me. My mother and father don't have internet access so my mother was on for about 2 hours just surfin the web for beanie babies to Macdonal collectables. I was hopin that my Uncle Mac was online to chat it up with my parents, but there is always next time!

    Then we were off downtown, we quickly had a bite to eat in the food court downstairs first. Then my parents and i went for a walk down Queen street West. My parents love the little shops along the way, they even went into the Silver Snail for a quick peak with me. Be for you knew it we where at Spadina and Queen. Then i took them back down King Street and back to the Eaton Centre.

    We were hungry at that point and stopped at the Le Biftheque at the Shearton Hotel. It was great food at a great price, and my parents loved it!

    We headed back to my apt. and they went through my movie collection before heading home to the P-Town. I showed them dow to there car and found out that parking was $18.00, what a rip. By this point they were both tired and needed to rest up so i gave them some cash for parking and they headed home.

    Now my great friend Rawl is on his way to have Tea with me. He should be here shortly...got to run.