June 12, 2005

The Time To Party!

Well My Saturday off turned out to be a really busy weekend.
First off i had to work untill 11pm on friday and then had to go all the way out to pickering that night due to the fact that i had divin the next moring as you know with Mr. Chan. I was tired when i got up for it, but was very excited to go divin again.

Well we got to the dive site at about 8:45am and was in the water about 10:30am. The water was warm at the top and there we even some divers who decided to go with out a dive hood. The best part was that i went with my dive buddy into the water first and once you got to about 35 - 40 feet you hit a thermocline. That is where you dive and the temp of the water drop drimatically! The water went from about 81degrees on the surface to a bottom temp of about 65degrees. Some divers even cam back to get there hoods on. Over all i had a great dive!

Then it was off home to the "Ring!" When i got back i cleaned my self off and got ready for Scott and Melssia's Stag and D'oh. It was a fun party with great family and freinds. There were lots of prizesto be won and Tim did win a gym bag. Although i did not win anything i still had a blast guessin how many jelly beans were in the jar. We also had buy a card and if you got the joker you won a prize. There was even door prizes and raffles during the evening. The best part was when there were 2 bins. One for Scott and one for Melissa and you donated money to the one that you wanted to see get a pie in the face by the other. In the end Scott got the pie in the face from Melissa. The food was great too we had all kinds of small sandwiches and finger foods with lot's of little deserts to snak on all night long. It was a good party. Well all had a great time!

Good Times! Had by all!


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