June 23, 2005

Tea tea tea!

Another day off my Blog. I got really busy yesterday an by the time i got time to do it i was in bed.

For yesterday i was off and it was GRRREAT! I slept in, had a great litte workout. I also shot out for a little bite to eat for lunch at a little coffee shop. After words i got home Tom came over to vit and it was Amazing to have him come and vist. We chatted, had a few beers and some Greek Food. MMmmmm Greek Food! Then a little game playing on the PS2. Later on Rawl came for a vist to see myself and Tom for Tea and that became an even more amazing time. We even got Tom to try one of the Chai Milk shakes that are reallt Freakin good. Then later after a few teas and more chattin Tom thought it was still early, but when he looked at the Time he was like Holy Crap It's 10pm already! When you are have in fun time Flies right by. Still seeing Tom and Rawl was Amazing! ;)

Then it was off to Brampton to drop Tom home and then get home myself to get some sleep, due to the fact that i had to work today at 5am. I ended up getting stuck in traffic on the way home due to construction. I did how ever see a car fire in the opposite site of the Highway. It wasw cool but the smell was horrific.

I thought of doing my blog when i got home but i just hit the sack for 3 hours and then headed to work. Once there we had 265 guest come in for Breakfast it was Crazy.

Just going to relax tonight and then hit the sack early to be ready for tommorow.

Good Times Had By All!
Right Tom?

PS Hey Rawl thanks again for the Fish tank. It's Amazing, but not as amazing as you or Tom;)


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