June 04, 2005

WoofStock 2005

Another day of work, a morning shift at the hotel. It was really dead for buisness and a good thing too. For last night i was up a little to late and only got about 3 hours of sleep.
The Reason: Guild Wars.
Who Did It: Tom And Gen
I was up untill about 11:30pm before i turned the game off. I slept well but had a hell of a time getting up at 3:30am. I was very very tired.....

Aftere work i met my parent at Woofstock. What is that you say it is a big Dog party where everyone brings there dogs and checks out the new items and foods for dogs. There were dogs everywhere, of all different shapes and sizes too. From Great Danes to Tea Cup Chiwawa's, it was like dog city. Some people even dress there pouches or give them a little color in the hair. Even i took a moment to refect on Percy, my Bulldog that i had a few years back. I saw lots of his cousins and family there too. There was even dog contests and a dog talent show. My mother was in Doggie heaven, she had to pet every one that she pasted by. My dad i think was just enjoying the out doors.
The Woofstock Runs on Sunday too from 10am - 6pm i believe and if you love dog's like myself you would love this show. It is also being held at the Distillery in Downtown Toronto.
Seeing these crazy pups give me the thought of getting a new one for myself...but in the end i know that it is not the right time for me to get a new dog! Oneday i will get one or maybe even two, but not right now.

I Love dogs!

Oh and Rawl i have not faced the Dark Side yet!


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