June 26, 2005

It's Been Far to Long for the Blogger!

It's been a really long time scince my last Blog. A lot has happened over the last few days, but where do i begin....

I worked all day on Friday Morning and then was home for about 3pm. I did go for a little walk and stopped for a coffee at Scecond Cup up the street from us. Later that night i chilled with Brett and played a little "Champions: Return To Arms" for the PS2.

On Saturday i hooked up with my Best Friend Tom to see the Eels LIVE! OH YA! Tom picked me up then we went for a little Thai Food. It was Great Thai Food eh Tom? It had the right amount of thai chilli's, even i went "Whoo! That's Spicy!" After our full bellies we headed to the concert. we got there for 7:45 but found out that the Eels did not have an opening band and were on stage already. It turns out that the club wanted the concert over so that they could open the club up for later that night. So i guess Tom and i missed a few songs (but not to many i hope). I was still a great concert.

This morning i got up and did a little reading and chillin before i went to work. Work for this evening was ok not to busy but not to dead ether. It was a good night overall!

Oh and i did have a long chat with Jen on Thursday and Friday night!

Hey Rawl she does remember you. She asked if you still had the long hair.


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