June 16, 2005

Batman Is Back

Another day off and i am lovin it. It's Summer, and the last few days it's been just raining and messy out. I am off the next 2 days and i just hope that they get better.

Today i visted my parents for lunch and then hooked up with JD after. We then kicked it to see the Movie Batman Returns. I was a really good movie with great background to the whole story of Batman himself. Christan Bale was Great as Batman and the villians were good also. I do feel that Scarcrow could have had a bigger part but all in all a great movie. I have even heared that they may be doing a sequel to this movie. Let's hope they do...
Star Rating 4 out of 5 five stars!

Then i headed back down to T.O. Just chillin with the Roomate Brett be for he heads to hockey. I believe he is the top scoring player on his team.

I was talkin with JD and he is in buisness with a friend of his doing T- Shirt Designs. He was warin one today. It looks really cool. Check out his site and get on board to order one of these amazin shirts order now at the following link. Or when the site is up lol!
  • Key Clothing


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