June 09, 2005


I was off today and boy was it hot out side...I LOVED IT! It Reminded me of when i went to Turks and Cacos with my buddy Tom. Sand, Surf, and Hot Ladies oh ya!
I just love the heat. I have even been Rollerblading so far and Yes Tom i bought wrist guards!

Today i was out for lunch with Lorraine and her new BF Mike. We went to the Bear and Ferkin in the "Ring" and you guessed it On the patio too! I got a chance to catch up with her and have a Pint. It was great fun.

I went out to Ajax to pick up the Dive Tanks for Rawl and myself. My father came with me to give me a hand, but it turns out that it was to heavy for him. I am so looking forwar to this weekend. Its going to rock!


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