June 08, 2005

Well The Roomates Home...

Work was great today except i found out that i have to work 2 night shift again this weekend and the Sunday night shit is an overnight Yet Again! This is getting painfull! Getting only 3 to 4 hours of sleep can't be good and it is killin me! I hope that havin a talk with the Executive Chef will improve my life in some way or another.

Well i got home today and today was the first day that i have seen my roomate from the weekend. He has been in Chicago on buisness for a few days and i have been working overnights as you know aswell. He can be a real JAss sometimes. He just started in on pickin on me about the little things like how he turned the dishwasher on and how i had not emptyed it yet! He turns the thing on with only it being half full. Whats up with that? Now i know all roomates get at each other but give me a break. How hard is it to turn on the dish washer? He never empties the dishwasher anyway or rarely.
Tom you know its true!
On top of it all he is tired and sick!
His GirlFriend is over and keeping him in line now, but then again roomate will be roomates!

Rawl and i are going Divin again and i am pumped up about it. Looking forward to 2 incredable dives this weekend. Let's go Divin!


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