June 10, 2005


The end of another week is at an end and let the weekend begin. Just had an easy morning relaxin and havin' a bite to eat before i go into work. Ya i have another evening shift and i am not lookin forward to it. Hopfully in the future i will get a chance to work out my work problems, but for now i am puttin up with it. I am lookin at it postive now, for my last job i had was Hell! I am much better off now and then again there are problems with every job right?

I also got this Saturday off for divin at
Burleigh Falls. I t should be a blast hangin with my good friend Mr. Rawl Chan and havin fun at the bottom of the lake with the fishies. Then it is off to Scott & Melissa's Stag and D'oh for some good time's with family and friends. Good Old Ryan Edwards is setting it all up and should turn out to be a great time.

I looked and beheld a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death. Revelations 6:8


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