July 08, 2005

What's up Doc?

I have been really busy the last few days.

Work has been a little bit of a headache. With working nights and then the next morning shifts to havin problems with the chef. I can win with what is going on at work all i can do is hope for the best, that issues will work themself's out.

I have however been havin loads of fun with Jen. She is such a sweetheart. Last evening i went into ajax with her to have dinner and meet her Brother. He is a really cool guy and even made Jen Cry with happiness. I can see how both Brother and Sister love each other and how both ar very stubborn.

I am now just cleanin up my divin equipment due to the fact that my next dive is not till the End of August, which sucks. There has been talk of a few divers going divin during the weekdays but i can only hope for the best.

For tonight i wil be chillin playin Games and talkin to Jen.

Tommorow Work. Then Dinner in Pickering with my parents for my birthday and for my fathers Birthday 2. He Is 65 this year, can you beleive that?

Jen - Have a great weekend!


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