June 14, 2005

I have over come the Dark Side!

I worked today. One of my co-workers called in sick today and witch means that i had to work 2 stations at once. Not to bad of a day thought and i felt like was part of a good team this morning.
I did not sleep to wel the night before and so when i got home i passed out on the couch for about an hour or so.

Had a quick bite to eat and played a little on line gaming with Tom.

I finally had a long talk with my now x-GF. It did not go the way i planned it but hey i did the best i could. So Rawlio i have over come the Darkside!


Blogger rawlio said...

Young Padawan, You did not come over to the Dark side, the Force was with you the entire time.

You're now back with the Force. The Dark side has a way to alter your view of reality.

Stay Strong, and May the force be with you.


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